Writing with Water Workshop

April 2, 2022
10 am

Collins and 22nd ST Beach

Writing with Water Workshop | A 2-hour paper making workshop
Led by Artist Ingrid Schindall and Poet Lissa Batista

“Writing with Water” is an opportunity for participants to write new poems in collaboration with the Atlantic Ocean while being inspired by the sights and sounds of the shore. Write original poems under the guidance of Printmaker and Book Artist Ingrid Schindall. Experience the magic of hand papermaking using paper pulp prepared from 100% recycled materials including blue jeans and test prints.

Cut and remix your work, then take the plunge: drop your poem into a vat filled with ocean water and paper pulp, pulling out an original poem reinterpreted by the ocean water. Leave the workshop with 5-10 collaborative pieces on handmade paper.

About your facilitators

Ingrid Schindall (she/her) is a passionate and productive printmaker and book artist based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She is almost always found standing next to a press at the fine art printmaking studio she founded called IS Projects. She has a methodical yet curious and experimental studio practice. Her prints and artist books have been exhibited internationally and nationally. She is devoted to her writing practice and has produced six limited edition books, all written, designed, hand-printed, and bound by the artist.

Lissa Batista (she/her) is a Brazilian-born poet raised in Miami, Florida where she is an MFA candidate at Florida International University. She lives in North Miami, with her son, sphinx, and rescue dog; writing her best poetry in the morning with the tanning iguanas. Her recent work is found or forthcoming in Bellingham Review, Tinderbox Poetry, Tint Journal, and elsewhere.

Click here to view the full photo album